GOOD REASONS to opt for grando
We use exclusively high-grade materials such as specialty plastics and stainless steel, which are very durable and long-lasting. Apart from the choice of materials, the high quality of the workmanship also plays a key role.

Rigid slatted covers must be airtight and waterproof even after many years.
grando Rollladenprofile werden mit einem speziellen Dreischicht-Versiegelungsverfahren luft- und wasserdicht verschlossen und passen sich somit exakt an jede Beckenform an.

Every pool is different.
Because we manufacture almost every component ourselves, we can respond flexibly to our customers' wishes and offer them customized solutions.

Function and design go hand in hand.
grando Antriebe werden in Abhängigkeit der Schwimmbeckengröße gebaut und nehmen nie mehr Platz ein als erforderlich.

We attach importance to after-sales service.
Every cover is individually designed, built and archived so that specific details of the project can be easily researched even years later.

Always clean
Clear, refreshing water is always fascinating. With a grando pool cover, you significantly reduce the amount of dirt in your pool and inhibit algae growth. Simple, clean and convenient.

Unadalterated enjoyment
A grando pool cover reduces the use of chemicals in the water. Through the lower evaporation and reduced light incidence, chlorine products, for example, are broken down more slowly.

A healthy climate – not only in the water
With a grando pool cover, you make an active contribution to environmental protection by saving considerable quantities of water and heating energy.
In this way, you not only conserve natural resources, you also point the way to the future for your environment.