Safe journey to aquanale
Electric cars are still an uncommon sight on German roads, but some really stand out, like the ones from the sopra dealer. They prove that fun, functionality and aesthetics can go hand in hand with environmental protection and energy efficiency.
That is what the pool experts keep in mind when building customers their swimming oases. They know what to look out for in terms of planning and which products and processes best protect natural resources. At grando, we are proud to support this sustainable philosophy with our slatted roller covers as an exclusive sopra supplier.
But before we go into raptures about energy-efficient pool technology, we would like to wish all of our customers a safe journey to aquanale. grando is in hall 6 (stand D 30) and we look forward to seeing you there. The quickest way to get to us is by using the North trade fair entrance. There are plenty of sign-posted parking spaces – for electric cars and other vehicles.
Free entry tickets are available here. Please register and use the voucher code “Pro-aquanale”.